संख्या 3703-जी/रा0वि0प0-का-1-230 ए/60 दिनांकः अक्टूबर 14, 1980
उपर्युक्त प्रसंग में मुझे यह निवेदन करने हुआ है कि वित्तीय नियमावली खण्ड-2, भाग 2-4 के सहायक नियम 155 में चिकित्सालय अवकाश (हास्पिटल लीव) का प्राविधान है। यह सुविधा उपर्युक्त नियम में उल्लिखित शर्तो के अधीन ऐसे परिषदीय कर्मचारियों को, चाहे वे स्थायी हो अथवा अस्थायी, जिन्हें अपने कर्तव्यों के कारण दुर्घटना अथवा बीमारी का विशेष जोखिम उठाना पड़ता है, किसी चिकित्सालय अथवा औषधलय में बिमारी के दौरान अथवा जब वे उस स्थान (स्टेशन) पर या उस जिले मुख्यालय पर जहां वे कार्य कर रहे हों वाहय रोगी के रूप में चिकित्सीय सहायता प्राप्त कर रहें हों, इस प्रतिबन्ध के साथ ग्राहय है कि ऐसी सुविधा के लिये पात्र परिषदीय कर्मचारी का वेतन 150 रू0 प्रतिमाह से अधिक न हो।
2. मुझे यह सूचित करने का निदेश हुआ है कि परिषद ने समुचित विचारोपरान्त शासन की अनुरूपता में उपर्युक्त नियम से निर्धारित रू0 150/- प्रतिमाह की वेतन सीमा को रू0 300/- प्रतिमाह करने का विषयक यथासंलग्नक के स्तम्भ-2 में निहित वित्तीय संहिता खण्ड-2 भाग 2-4 के सहायक नियम 155 का संशोधन परिषद के अधीन दिनांक 1 अर्पैल, 1979 से प्रभावी होने हेतु ग्रहण कर लिया है।
155. Subject to the conditions specified below the authority whose duty it would be to fill up the post (if vacant) may grant hospital leave to the following categories of government servants whether permanent or temporary, whose duties expose them to special risk of accident or illness, during periods of illness in a hospital or dispensary or while receiving medical aid as an out-door patient at the station or headquarter of the district in which they are serving.
- the government servant eligible for the concession shall be drawing a pay not exceeding Rs. 300 per mensem.
- the period of hospital leave shall in no case exceed six month in any on, term of three years, whether such leave is taken ay=t one time or by installment.
- leave salary for the first three months of such leave shall be allowed on full average pay in the case of Government servants governed by Fundamental Rule 81 or Subsidiary Rule 157 and on such leave in the case of government servants governed by fundamental Rule 81-B or subsidiary Rule 157-A. Leave salary for the remaining period of any such leave shall be allowed at half the rates mentioned above.
- the illness or injury is certified not to have been caused by irregular or intemperate habits and directly due to risk incurred in the course of official duties of the government servants concerned.
- in the leave granted to temporary government servants does not extend beyond the period the appointment is likely to last :
(a) guards of all departments in permanent employment.
(b) executive government servants in the Police Deptt. enrolled under any Act of the Legislature.
(c) head warders, warders and orderlies of the jail Department and guards, warders, dresser and compounders of lunatic asylums inclusive of female servants.
(d) subordinates of the Forest Department including range clerks but excluding clerks.
(e) Syces in the Animal Husbandry Department.
(f) and employee in the government Press, whether on fixed pay or at piece rates.
(g) subordinates employed in government laboratories.
(h) subordinates employed on the working of government machinery :
(i) peons and other government servants serving Tarai and Bhabar.
(j) tindals, regulation beldars and boatmen employed by Irrigation Department at Canal head works and at torrent crossing on the Eastern Yamuna Canal. also sub-ordinates employed along the main Sarda Canal and Deoha Bahgul Feeder Canal.
(k) excise peons,
(l) members of the U.P. Fire Service, and
(m) all other government servants whose duties involve handling of dangerous machinery, explosive material poisonous gases and drugs etc. or who are obliged to perform hazardous task.
(This rule comes into force with effect from April 1, 1979)
Note-1- The grant of hospital leave is subject to the conditions that leave salary is not additional to, but inclusive of the benefits to which the employee may be entitle section 4 (1) (d) of the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923
Note-2- In the case of a person to whom the provisions of Employees’ State Insurance Act. 1948, apply, leave salary payable under this rule shall be reduced by the amount benefit admissible under the said Act for the corresponding period.
Note-3- The term of three years mentioned in clause (2) of the rule should at any time be calculated backward from the end of the actual period of hospital leave proposed to be granted, whether on average/full pay on half of those rates