At the time of confirmation exemption from Medical Examination.

No. 854-NG/SEB-75-(iv)/123 NG/73 Dated July 24, 1975

In continuation of B.O No. 6179-NG/SEB(IV)/123 NG/1973. Dated March 1, 1974, on the subject noted above I am directed to say that employees who have already been confirmed in the regular cadre without submitting medical certificates of fitness may not be required to submit such certificates any more. However all temporary employees who have not already submitted medical certificates of fitness should be required to do so within appointed time say 15 days or so of the receipt of these direction. It should be ensured that in no case a temporary employees who has not submitted medical certificate of fitness is confirmed. However, in case a temporary employee has served the Board for a fairly long time and it transpires that the physical disability has cropped up during the curse of his employment, in suitable cases, he may be exempted from furnishing medical certificate of fitness and may be confirmed as such.