Confirmation of employee who completed 3 years or more continuous and approved services on posts on 01-04-1976
Order No. 736-NG-II/SEB/79NG Dated March 11,1977
The question of confirmation of its employees has been under consideration of the Board for quite some time and it is observed that, inspite of the fact thar large number of temporary posts have been converted into permanent ones in the past, but the individual employees could not be confirmed against all the posts declared permanent due to certain procedural difficulties. The Board have, therefore, decided that all such temporary non-gazetted employees working in the Board, who have completed three years or more of continuous and approved services on particular posts on 01.04.1976, shall be confirmed on those posts w.e.f 01.04.1976, subject to the following conditions:-
- The cases of confirmations of employees will be scrutinised by the appropriate selection Committees prescribed for initial recruitment and/or promotion, as per relevant services Regulations/Board’s orders, on the basis of confidential reports and personal records.
- Confirmation shall be done by the appropriates in whose incumbency the employee is working on the date of issue of this order.
- The employee must be approved on the post for which he is being considered for confirmation, as per relevant service Regulations, prior to 01.04.1973, For this purpose, adhoc/stop-gap/provisional appointments/promotions will not be taken into consideration.
- The employee, who has worked on lower post and has subsequently been promoted on higher post but has not completed three years approved services on the higher post, will be confirmed on the post provided that the total period combined on both the posts has not been less than three years on 01.04.1976 .
- The original seniority of the employees so confirmed shall remain unaltered. However, if seniority of some employees could not yet determined, the same will be finalised by the appointing authority as per rules.
In case sufficient number of permanent sanctioned posts are not available the confirmation of individual employees should not be delayed on this account and confirmation should be done on the basis of the order.
A detailed statement regarding the number of employees declared permanent under different shall be submitted by the concerning appointing authorities to the Chief Zonal Engineers/General Managers/Chief Engineers/Add1. Chief Engineers who will compile the information in respect of their zones/projects/unit and will move the case to the Joint Secretary (Admn II) in the Board in the proforma as annexed for the creation of additional permanent posts in lieu of the temporary posts. Statements from individual divisions/circles shall not be sent to the Board direct.
The proposals for creation of permanent posts shall be submitted by the Chief Zonal Engineers/General Managers/Chief Engineers/Add1. Chief Engineers to the Board latest by June 30, 1977 after which such proposals may not be entertained.