General Condition of Contract-Deviations from Standard Forms ‘A’ & ‘B’

Scrutiny of deviation from Standard of Proforma ‘A’ & ‘B’ of General Condition of Contract, before sending Recommendations.

No. 5484/SEB-1968 Dated : Lucknow, August 24, 1968

I am directed to say that deviation in standard proforma ‘A’ & ‘B’ of the general conditions of contract are being recommended to the Board for approval solely on precedent without examining its pros and cons on the contract and the financial implications involved in it. Consequently, the proposals for deviation are delayed thereby resulting in consequential difficulties. To avoid delay, proposals for deviations from the standard proformas of contracts should, therefore, be properly examined at your level and a detailed comment stating specifically the technical & financial implications of the proposal should be submitted to the Board. It should also be reported categorically whether the proposed deviation will result in gain or loss to the Board and to that extent. In case of loss, it is also necessary to be indicated that how the said loss would be compensated by the acceptance of the proposed deviation.

2. It has already been stressed in B.O. No. 5321-P/SEB-(14) 53P/ 1968, Dated August 8, 1968 that deviations from standard proformas should not be claimed as a rule but an exception. Hence proposals for deviations should be recommended to the Board for approval only when there is no other alternative left out. Recommendations on the basis of precedents should however must make a reference to previous order of the Board.

3. The above instructions should be followed up strictly.