Instructions regarding the submission of charge certificates by officers as well as correspondence with the Board.

No. 18-GE(V)/SEB/J9 Dated Jan,17, 1979

Of late it has been observed that orders issued from time to time relating to submission of charge Certificates by the concerned officers as well as marking correspondence with the Board are not being adhered to in its true spirit resulting in hardship and inconvenience at all levels. Accordingly, in supersession of all previous orders on the subject, the following orders are conveyed for strict compliance :

1. Submission of charge certificates :

(a) Charge Certificates should be submitted to the Board, “In Triplicate” in a separate cover duly inscribed “Charge Certificate” and addressed to J.S. (Amdn.III) in respect of E.Es. and above to J.S. (Admn.II), in case of A.Es. and A.E.Es.

(b) Two copies of the charge certificates must be sent to C.A.O. (P&A Section) invariable.

(c) Full name in block capitals (as given in appointment letters) Audit no. and identification No. (when allotted) must be written below the signature of relieving/Relieved officer.

(d) The Charge Certificate must be countersigned with clear designation and Seal of the officer affixed there on.

(e) It may be ensured that Charge Certificates reach the officers mentioned in (a) & (b) above within shortest possible time. Covering letter forwarding the Charge Certificates are not necessary but endorsement thereon would be sufficient.

(f) Every Charge Certificate must bear at the top of right hand corner the reasons viz. Transfer/Proceeding on leave/Return from leave/Promotion/Dismissal/Suspension etc.

(g) Relieving/Relieved officer taking over or making over the additional charge must write “Additional Charge” below the signatures in red ink.

(h) Certificates regarding time occupied should be properly given by the countersigning authority if the time occupied is more than prescribed, reasons therefore must accompany on a separate letter to be enclosed with the Charge Certificate.

Correspondence with the Board

(a) All correspondence with the Board shall be done.