No. 1217-G/SEB-II/87A/1970 Dated Feb,26, 1976
Orders have already been issued the Board that the transfer orders officers/officials once issued should be complied with promptly and the concerned employee should join his new place of posting within the joining time allowed as per rules. The Board have also prohibited sanction of leave except leave under extra-ordinary circumstances, to the employee who is under orders of transfer and leave, if requested by the employee, should only be sanctioned after his joining at the new place of posting.
Numerous instances are, however, coming to the notice of the Board where the officers/officials are not quickly relieved either by their superior officer or through manipulations by the concerned person themselves. Further, no proper track is kept of the employees relived from their old place of posting even after copies of reliving orders are sent to the concerned officers where the employees have been transferred. Sometimes the concerned person avoids joining at the new place of posting also and uses push and pull for getting the transfer orders modified.
This many-a-times places the Board in an awkward and embarrassing situation.
It is, therefore, ordered that each and every officers/official shall be relived by superior officer within seven days of receipt of transfer orders and, in the event of delay in reliving, the officer under whom an employees is working will be considered responsible for non-compliance of transfer orders. The reliving officer shall immediately send copy of his reliving orders through registered post to the officer under whom the employee is transferred indicating therein the date of relief of the employee, joining time allowed to him and the employee’s address. Thereafter, it will be the duty of the officer, under whom the employee is transferred, to ensure that the concerned officers/official joins at his new place of posting within the joining time allowed to him.
In case the officers/official does not report for duty within the scheduled time allowed as per relieving orders, the officer under whom the employee has been transferred shall immediately issue a registered letter to such employee stating therein that he (employee) shall be liable to disciplinary action in case he does not report for duty with in a week of issue of the letter. If the employee does not join even after this registered letter, disciplinary proceeding shall be initiated against him for unauthorised absence from duty.
In case the employee is required to stay at his old place of posting beyond the time specified above due to some extra ordinary reasons in the interest of Board’s works, prior approval of the Chairman will be obtained by the controlling officer before the expiry of the seven days of the transfer order. This relaxation not be made a routine but may be sought only in extremally urgent case.